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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

ParchedInSpace + Twitter + ? = Whole Lotta Love

The brother of our fine Administrator brought up an interesting question... What if ParchedInSpace blog posts were tweeted? The @ParchedInSpace account already exists and I know some of the users of this fine website follow such taint. Would this be something the masses of Parched would enjoy? Sound off in the comments section...


oifish said...

I'm for it. I'll have to set up and RSS feed and link that with twitter so full text and byull shit isn't sent to our precious cellular phones

EggoWafflesLvr65 said...

I would dig on this. Maybe even Digg it. Get the pun there?

HammyBiscuits said...

I'm in. I use Tainter

Tim said...

I would rather you send in directly to my brain. I suppose this is a worthwhile alternative.